AK French Tutoring
How does Tutoring French Online works?
The first step is to assess your child to find out what needed to be addressed.
I share my observations with you and let you know what I have noticed.
I customized a plan specific to the child and work with him/her weekly to meet his/her needs.
Every 3 months, I reassess the child to find out what improvements have been made and what changes need to be done in order to reach our goal.
Why tutoring French online?
When it comes to learning, space should not limit us. The students learn in the comfort of their home. They could also travel and learn at the same time and not being impacted. I have witnessed kids working in their car, while traveling. The learning continues and their success is not impacted.
Also, there are so much resources that the kids enjoy online.
How long are the online tutoring sessions?
There are different factors that determine the
length of the session:
Child’s age
Child’s attention and personality
The younger the kid is, the shorter their attention is.
Generally, kids from Kindergarten to Grade 2 grade work best is 30 minute sessions.
Grade 3 and up are able to focus for 60 minutes.
Sometimes our schedules (the student’s and mine’s) might determine either to choose 30 minute or 60 minute session.
Could you do in home tutoring?
Yes, I can do in home tutoring.
My priority is to work for the best interest of the child.
How much do you charge?
My tutoring rates are:
One on One Lesson: $208/month for 1hr session per week
Group Lessons: $208/month for 2hrs sessions per week
There is 10% discount, if you have more than 1 child enrolled in the program. This discount is applied on the second and subsequent children's tuition.